DoorVaani integration
Wat is DoorVaani?
DoorVaani is een VoIP-serviceprovider met een breed scala aan producten en diensten sinds 2011. Concreet profileert het bedrijf zich als: “aanbieder van zeer hoogwaardige nationale en internationale Voice Over IP (VOIP) -oproepdiensten tegen lage prijzen.”

Hoe integreert u DoorVaani in LiveAgent?
1. Meld u aan bij uw LiveAgent-account
3. Zoek naar DoorVaani
4. Vul de gegevens in en SLA OP

Hoeveel kost het om DoorVaani te integreren in LiveAgent?
- low prices
- reliable
- improved customer satisfaction
- free integration
- access from a variety of devices
Als u meer wilt weten over hoe callcentersoftware werkt, bekijk dan de onderstaande video.

Don't have LiveAgent yet?
No problem! LiveAgent offers a 30-day free trial where you can test the free DoorVaani integration!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is DoorVaani?
DoorVaani is a VoIP provider since 2011. VoIP is an abbreviation that stands for Voice over IP. Simply put, you can make and receive calls with an internet connection on multiple devices.
How much does DoorVaani integration cost in LiveAgent?
LiveAgent doesn't charge customers any additional fees for connecting a DoorVaani VoIP number in LiveAgent.
How much does DoorVaani charge for VoIP services?
LiveAgent is a customer service software that also partners with VoIP companies in order to create the best user experience. DoorVaani operates separately, so to get the most accurate pricing information, please visit their website.