Steam Community biedt ondersteuning via e-mail, forums en selfservice. Neem contact op via Live chat en sociale media-ondersteuning zijn niet beschikbaar. Bezoek hun kennisbank voor meer informatie.
Het lijkt erop dat u de klantenservice van Steam probeert te bereiken. Helaas zijn we niet verbonden met het ondersteuningsteam van Steam. We zijn twee totaal verschillende bedrijfsorganisaties. Om het u gemakkelijker te maken, hebben we de website van Steam opgezocht en de volgende contactgegevens voor klantenondersteuning gevonden. Contacteer de vertegenwoordigers van Steam door rechtstreeks contact met hen op te nemen via de onderstaande contactgegevens.
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Steam Community is community- en officiële content voor alle games en software op Steam.
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To share games on Steam, you’ll need to setup Steam Family Library Sharing.
You first need to make sure your account uses “Steam Guard Security”. You can turn this on by clicking on “Settings” in the Steam menu of Steam (it’s in the top left corner of the client). In the settings window, “Steam Guard” can be turned on in the “Account” tab.
With Steam Guard turned on, you can start activating other people’s computers to use your Steam library.
To do this, log into Steam on a friend or family member’s PC, click the “Steam menu” and select “Settings”. In this window, click “Family”, and then tick the “Authorise Library Sharing On This Computer” option.
Finally, log out of your Steam account and let your friend or family member log into their own Steam account. They will now be able to see your Steam Library in their own Games tab. Now they just have to download the games they want and play them.
Most importantly, you can only use a shared library if the owner is not using it. This means that if you are sharing your library and currently playing a game, your friends and family can’t use your collection, even if they want to play a different game to the one you are using.
Try to self-recover your account or contact Steam Support:
You can use the Help site to try to self-recover your account or contact Steam Support if you are unable to.
If you are unable to complete the self recovery process, Steam Support will verify the account is yours and recover it for you.
When contacting Steam Support try to provide as much of the following as possible:
Steam Community is community- en officiële content voor alle games en software op Steam.
Het klantenserviceteam van Steam biedt de volgende ondersteuningskanalen: email, forum en selfservice-ondersteuning.
U kunt contact opnemen met Steam Community door ze te emailen. Als alternatief kunt u hun kennisbank gebruiken als u de voorkeur geeft aan selfservice-ondersteuning.
U kunt contact opnemen met hun ondersteuning door een email te sturen naar
Nee, Steam Community heeft geen live chatondersteuning.
Steam Community heeft geen telefonische klantenondersteuning.
Join our community of happy clients and provide excellent customer support with LiveAgent.
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